Through our families there was quite a divide on where the North American continent should be settled. The 4 younger brothers had chosen their spots in New York, situating themselves on Long Island and the city boroughs.
But there were the other two families whom spread throughout Montreal. Separated from their brothers they had it rough but made it through. Instead of adapting English as a main language they learned French too. When I went to visit them I was astounded at how many languages their children and grandchildren (Cousins, Cousins, more Cousins...) could recite! It really made me feel as if the American system of education (Which it does fail to provide for) a multilingual system. When I went to High School my first two years I took Latin because I had no intention of learning Spanish or French, and now I shame myself as I know no other language. (Other than parts of Italian)
However it wasn't always a separation. I hear countless stories on the little reunions they had, two or three times a year. The two eldest brothers would come to visit the younger brothers, staying at their houses, taking turns, it was almost like a week-long party! I laugh, because in every house, to keep the party going, there is a Bar in the basement. One of the stories I like to hear about is one of the younger brother's aspect on the parties. He would tell his daughters "Ok kids, get your coats on." and begin to leave. About 2 hours later he'd repeat his statement "Kids come on, get your coats on we're leaving", and yet no signs of leaving. Poor them! But of course, these events occured until about 2-3 in the morning! Children were "exempt" from school the next day.
i enjoy reading your posts, i daily checking ur blog for more of these stories :-)
Montreal is a beautiful city, I have family living there and I must admit I'm jelaous of you having the opportunity to visit so many places I've only seen photos of...
great stories, please continue!
I would love to visit Montreal.
... *googles Montreal photos*
good post
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